CRBRP Toxics Monitoring Subgroup Meeting


Agenda 9:30 - 9:35 AM, Welcome and Introductions 9:35 - 10:15 AM, Screening Values Presentation and discussion of a proposed process to select Columbia Basin wide screening values for contaminants. 10:15 - 10:55 AM, Lightning Talks Mercury Exposure and Bioaccumulation in the Salmon and Lower Snake Rivers, Austin Baldwin (US Geological Survey) ​ Freshwater Fish […]

PNAMP Fish Monitoring Work Group Meeting (April 2024)


The PNAMP Fish Monitoring Work Group (FMWG), meets quarterly to update participants on current FMWG tasks, share expertise through presentations on innovative fish monitoring, and provides you with opportunities to engage regional managers and experts. These meetings are an opportune time to discuss tasks and get input from members on where they see importance or […]

2024 HCAX Project Workshop


Please join the final HCAX Project workshop, which will provide: a brief recap of HCAX progress to date an overview of HCAX data standard development and implementation testing discussion of query system to retrieve data from HCAX review of the updated Data Use Agreement discussion of any remaining tasks and when we can expect to data […]

Northwest Power and Conservation Council Meeting (June 2024)

Helena, Montana Helena, MT, United States

Agenda and other materials will be posted at the NPCC website the week before the meeting here: Council Meeting | Northwest Power and Conservation Council (

Washington Salmon Recovery Funding Board Meeting


For meeting details, visit Meetings - RCO ( To register over Zoom, click here Phone Option: (669)900-6833 - Meeting ID: 812 0373 0109 Physical Location: TBD

CRBRP Toxics Monitoring Subgroup Meeting


Agenda 15 min, Welcome, Introduction, and Short Updates 20 min, Columbia River Mainstem Fish Tissue and Water Quality Monitoring Program Development Presentation by Laura Shira and Sherrie Duncan (Yakama Nation Fisheries Program) on program development, pilot study progress, and next steps, followed by Q&A. 30 min, Upper Mississippi River Monitoring Programs Presentation by Jeff Houser […]

Northwest Power and Conservation Council Meeting (July 2024)

Portland, Oregon Portland, OR, United States

Agenda and other materials will be posted at the NPCC website the week before the meeting here: Council Meeting | Northwest Power and Conservation Council (

Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board Meeting

Springfield, Oregon Springfield, OR, United States

Documents and pages for future meetings will be posted as they become available. Visit the OWEB calendar for more information. Tutorial for CORs


An overview and quick tutorial of the metadata documentation tool for BPA CORs and any other contractors interested in attending. BPA Workflow Navigation and Guidance Microsoft Teams Need help? Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 229 605 652 066 Passcode: nHanuN  

Washington Salmon Recovery Funding Board Meeting (August 2024)

Room 175, Natural Resources Building 1111 Washington Street, SE, Olympia, WA, United States

For meeting details, visit Meetings - RCO ( To register over Zoom, click here Phone Option: (669)900-6833 - Meeting ID: 871 9671 5409 Physical Location: Room 175, Natural Resources Building, 1111 Washington Street, SE, Olympia, WA 98501

Salmon Recovery Funding Board Meeting

Room 172, First Floor, Natural Resources Building 1111 Washington Street, Olympia, WA, United States

This hybrid event will take place September 24-25, 2024 Location In-Person: Room 172, First Floor, Natural Resources Building, 1111 Washington Street, SE, Olympia, WA. This public meeting location will allow for the public to provide comment and listen to the meeting as required by the Open Public Meeting Act. This requirement can be waived via […]

CRBRP Toxics Monitoring Subgroup Meeting

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Agenda 5 min, Welcome and Introductions 60 min, Lightning Talks Clearwater River Watershed Baseline Monitoring and Toxics Assessment, Sierra Higheagle (Nez Perce Tribe Water Resource Division) Oregon PFAS Wastewater Monitoring in Small and Mid-Size Cities within the Columbia Basin, Kevin Masterson (Oregon Association of Clean Water Agencies, Contractor) Montana’s PFAS Response, Abbie Ebert (MT DEQ) […]