WA-BC AFS Workshop-Tracking Hatchery Data from Eggs to Spawners Across Regions

Pinnacle Hotel Harbourfront 1133 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Tracking Hatchery Data from Eggs to Spawners Across Regions We hope you are planning to attend the Washington-British (WA-BC) AFS Chapter meeting this year because PNAMP is co-hosting two workshops with partners. While each workshop has a different goal, both workshops are related to sharing important data needed for salmon recovery work. Visit the conference […]

Fish Monitoring Work Group Meeting (April 2025)


Join us at 10:00 am (Pacific) on April 17th for the next meeting of the PNAMP Fish Monitoring Work Group (FMWG). During the meeting, we will update participants on current tasks, hear a presentation about innovative fish monitoring, and provide you with opportunities to engage regional managers and experts. These meetings are an opportune time […]