Year Began: 2010

The Coordinated Assessments Partnership (CAP) is a collaborative process to efficiently share and provide access to standardized derived information, such as fish population high level indicators (HLI) and supporting metrics, needed for reporting and decision-making. Decisions for managing fishery resources, especially salmon and steelhead, rely on access to population indicators derived from the best available science of multiple state, federal and tribal entities. The development of CAX HLIs for Columbia River Basin (CRB) natural-origin fish has proved invaluable in providing timely access to CRB HLIs used in reports and research. 

Juvenile Steelhead – Photo Credit: Joe Warren, USGS

The CAP focuses on information to be shared that has been identified as needed for regional assessments and reporting from across Washington, Oregon, Montana, and Idaho. Currently CAP focuses on natural and hatchery origin salmon and steelhead information, resident fish, and as appropriate fish habitat related information (learn more about our Hatchery Coordinated Assessments Exchange or HCAX Project here).

Data informing the HLIs and metrics are maintained in multiple state, tribal, federal and other partner’s’ data management systems, and shared following the CAP data sharing agreements and data exchange standards. The CAP relies on collaboratively developed Data Exchange Standards (DES) with documentation of relevant metadata, such as protocol/method documentation, to ensure usability of the shared indicators and metrics. HLIs and metrics currently accessible through the CAX include HLIs and supporting metrics for Columbia River Basin and Oregon Coast salmon and steelhead populations and superpopulations.

Data from the CAP are maintained and shared via the Coordinated Assessments Indicators of Fish Population Health Data Exchange and are accessible through the CAP HLI query mapper (, which is hosted by Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) StreamNet. StreamNet supports CAP participation through funding subcontracts for data stewards and by supporting the CAX data system and its quality control/validation processes. PNAMP facilitates discussions and activities needed to support implementation of CAP, maintains the historical records of CAP, and keeps participants informed of CAP activities. The CRITFC Tribal ITMD Project serves a coordination and support role with the CRITFC tribes in facilitating their participation in the CAP.

Access the current Data Exchange Standard (DES) tables and exchange configuration documents here: The current version of the CA Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) is available here: The current five-year work plan may be found here: Five-Year Plan for the Coordinated Assessments Partnership adopted 20190731 (Revised 9 Sept. 2021) (you can access the file from the All StreamNet Document page, filter by CAP Document, and sort by File Date:


  • Extensive engagement from partners across the PNW to support collaborative, consensus-based development of data standards. See our 2023 CAP Workshop results for input that will be used in 2024/2025 to improve our data systems and support continued collaboration.

  • Standardized HLI data flowing from 3 state, 3 tribal, 1 federal, and 3 other organizations, with more developing their capacity to share soon.

  • Over 12,000 records representing the best available data from state and tribal managers.

  • Records are updated frequently from data providers to the CAX using an API, with some records spanning from 1938 to latest available year.

  • Collaborative process to improve and expand data exchange standards.

  • Effectively supporting regional decision-making processes including the NOAA 5-year status reviews, and Columbia River System BiOp and EIS.

  • Interactive query mapper to explore and access HLI data and related trends data.

Project Team

This project is being conducted through significant in-kind contributions of the federal, state, and tribal salmon managers. The Coordinated Assessments project is co-sponsored by PNAMP and StreamNet with funding from Bonneville Power Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency. If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Leonard ( or Jen Bayer (

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