Year Began: 2023

TASK NAME: PIT Tag Array Data and Related Data Analyses Task


Page last edited: 1/25/2024


Marika Dobos (IDFG):

Russell Scranton (BPA):

Megan Dethloff (USGS/PNAMP):


Document and recommend improvements to data management and analytical methods for PIT tag array data. Identify and discuss tools to improve data download and cleaning for use, discuss data management of ancillary data (e.g., temperature) associated with PIT tag data and where it needs to be housed (PTAGIS), allow methods for estimating site efficiencies and abundances available for sharing (e.g, GITHub), and develop standards for large-scale application of PIT tag array detection and operations data for reporting and modeling (e.g., run reconstruction, productivity, life-cycle, IMW).


  • present examples of tools that have been developed for managing detection data from PIT-tag arrays
  • provide guidance on recent tool development
  • assist biologists in identifying and resolve gaps in analysis tools


Detection data from PIT tag arrays can be used for estimating abundances, track movement patterns, and estimating survival between detection sites. Data and samples collected from PIT-tagged fish can be used to determine age structure, sex composition, and size structure of fish that passed over a PIT-tag array site. Tools that can help with managing detection data and any environmental data associated with PIT-tag arrays like temperature and antenna noise can aid in improving efficiencies for biologists that operate PIT-tag array infrastructure, analyze detection data, and report results. This forum is meant to present tools developed for managing detection data from PIT-tag arrays, identify challenges others have encountered regarding management and analysis using PIT-tag array data, and gather feedback on tools that would be helpful to biologists. These discussions will help a focal group to develop and share tools, analytical methods, and ways to address challenges in the future.

PRODUCTS: One stop shop for PIT tag data tools and guidance, webinars to assist in data management and analysis, workshop for analyses

Learn more about the PNAMP Fish Monitoring Work Group