All documents created by PNAMP and/or related to other PNAMP projects, meetings, and workshops can be accessed from this document table.

FileDescriptionFile DateCategorieshf:tax:display_type
Validating Data Collection Events TutorialA guidance document on how to validate data collection events in MonitoringResources.org2024-09-09Documents, Monitoring Resources Documentsall-docs mr-doc
Smolt Estimation and Analytics Workshop NotesSmolt Estimation and Analytics Workshop Notes2019-11-07Documents, FMWG Documentsall-docs fmwg-doc
Tributary PIT Tag Arrays in the Columbia Basin Workshop NotesTributary PIT Tag Arrays in the Columbia Basin Workshop Notes2018-10-17Documents, FMWG Documentsall-docs fmwg-doc
PNAMP FMWG MAFAC NPCC SPI Task SummaryFMWG MAFAC NPCC SPI Task Summary2022-09-14Documents, FMWG Documentsall-docs fmwg-doc
PNAMP FMWG Juvenile Density Task SummaryPNAMP Fish Monitoring Work Group Juvenile Density Task Summary2024-04-16Documents, FMWG Documentsall-docs fmwg-doc
FMWG Juvenile Density Data Entry Recommendations SpreadsheetFMWG Juvenile Density Data Entry Recommendations Spreadsheet2023-02-28Documents, FMWG Documentsall-docs fmwg-doc
FMWG Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection Recommendations spreadsheetFMWG Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection Recommendations spreadsheet2023-02-28Documents, FMWG Documentsall-docs fmwg-doc
Establishing a Network of Intensively Monitored Watersheds in the Pacific NorthwestEstablishing a Network of Intensively Monitored Watersheds in the Pacific Northwest (2005) PNAMP white paper2005-04-05Documents, IMW Documentsall-docs imw-doc
Intensively Monitored Watersheds in ContextIntensively Monitored Watersheds in Context (2007) PNAMP white paper2007-10-18Documents, IMW Documentsall-docs imw-doc
Data Management Needs for Regional Project Tracking to Support Implementation and Effectiveness MonitoringData Management Needs for Regional Project Tracking to Support Implementation and Effectiveness Monitoring (2006) PNAMP white paper2006-10-30Documentsall-docs
Citing Aquatic Monitoring Data Sets August 2019PNAMP white paper with recommendations for data citation and attribution2019-08-01Documentsall-docs
PNAMP FMWG Fish Management Unit Boundaries and Attributes Task RecommendationsPNAMP FMWG Fish Management Unit Boundaries and Attributes Task Recommendations2023-07-21Documents, FMWG Documentsall-docs fmwg-doc
Data Visualization Resources 2019Data visualization resources (2019)2019-11-24Documentsall-docs
RHIP short list of questions and indicators (2018)List of agreed upon management questions and indicators.2018-03-18Documentsall-docs
NOSA Steelhead Methods Review Workshop NotesWorkshop Notes from the NOSA Steelhead Methods Review2018-02-22Documents, FMWG Documentsall-docs fmwg-doc
Final Definition provided by FMWG CAP DES Juvenile Outmigrant Refinement Define Smolt Equivalent Task to StreamNetFinal Definition provided by FMWG CAP DES Juvenile Outmigrant Refinement Define Smolt Equivalent Task to StreamNet. March 9, 20222022-03-09CAP Documents, Documents, FMWG Documentscap-doc all-docs fmwg-doc
PNAMP FMWG Data Display RecommendationsPNAMP FMWG Data Display Task Recommendations. Finalized August 16, 2021.                2021-08-16CAP Documents, Documents, FMWG Documentscap-doc all-docs fmwg-doc
June 2021 FMWG Data Display Meeting SummaryJune 23, 2021 FMWG Data Display Meeting Summary2021-06-23CAP Documents, Documents, FMWG Documentscap-doc all-docs fmwg-doc
May 2021 FMWG Data Display Meeting SummaryMay 27, 2021 FMWG Data Display Meeting Summary2021-05-27CAP Documents, Documents, FMWG Documentscap-doc all-docs fmwg-doc
PNAMP Special Publication: Tagging, Telemetry and Marking Measures for Monitoring Fish PopulationsPNAMP Special Publication: Tagging, Telemetry and Marking Measures for Monitoring Fish Populations2010-01-01Documentsall-docs
Regional Metadata Tool RecommendationsGuidance for metadata2011-05-02Documentsall-docs
Developing Enterprise Tools and Capacities for Large-scale Natural Resource Monitoring: A Visioning WorkshopWorkshop report from the Enabling Integrated Science Workshop.2017-12-12Documentsall-docs
PNAMP Integrated Status and Trend Monitoring Project: Overview of ProgressPNAMP ISTM Project Progress Report2008-01-29Documentsall-docs
Integrating Aquatic Ecosystem and Fish Status and Trend Monitoring in the Lower Columbia River: OverviewOverview of the PNAMP ISTM Demonstration Project2009-08-12Documentsall-docs
PNAMP ISTM Project Habitat Component OverviewOverview of the PNAMP Integrated Status and Trends Demonstration (ISTM) Habitat Workgroup Goals, Objectives, Approach and Timeline2011-02-07Documentsall-docs
Identification and Prioritization of Management Decisions, Questions, and Objectives for Lower Columbia River Integrated Status and Trend Salmon and Steelhead MonitoringFinal report for Objective 1 of the PNAMP ISTM Project Fish Component.2010-12-15Documentsall-docs
Evaluation of the Alignment of Lower Columbia River Salmon and Steelhead Monitoring Program with Management Decisions, Questions, and ObjectivesFinal report for Objective 1 of the PNAMP ISTM Project Fish Component2013-02-13Documentsall-docs
PNAMP ISTM Project – Fish Component FactsheetPNAMP ISTM Project - Fish Component Fact Sheet2013-03-08Documentsall-docs
The spatial distribution of salmon and steelhead redds and optimal sampling design. 2014. Liermann et. al.Journal article resulting from PNAMP ISTM Project Fish Component2014-04-10Documentsall-docs
2008 PNAMP HLI Report FINAL Appendix 3 onlyAppendix 3 (tables) from 2008 High Level Indicators Report2008-09-29Documentsall-docs
2008 PNAMP HLI Report FINAL2008 Report on High Level Indicators for NWEIS Executive Summit2008-09-29Documentsall-docs
2009 PNAMP HLI Report 2 FINALFinal report from High Level Indicators Project2024-05-01Documentsall-docs
Lower Columbia Region Habitat Status and Trends Monitoring Implementation Plan Report and Quality Assurance Project PlansThis Implementation Report represents the final phase of a three-phase effort and refines the pragmatic details necessary for the actual initiation of monitoring—site selection, measurement protocols, data analyses, data management, and reporting — all of which are essential for successful on-the-ground execution of the monitoring design.2016-09-06Documentsall-docs
Habitat Status and Trends Monitoring for the Lower Columbia Region: Integrated Monitoring DesignThis Design Report represents the culmination of the first two stages of a three-stage effort. Stage 1, completed in June 2013, developed the overarching framework for the coordinated strategy. Subsequently, this Design Report has now articulated the final goals and objectives for the integrated monitoring project for water quality and habitat, and it specifies the target populations, sampling stratification, and metrics proposed.2015-05-01Documentsall-docs
Evaluation and Prioritization of Stream Habitat Monitoring in the Lower Columbia Salmon and Steelhead Recovery Domain as related to the Habitat Monitoring Needs of ESA Recovery PlansThis report summarizes commonalities among the habitat characteristics that habitat monitoring programs in the Lower Columbia River basin measure and monitor, and how the metrics align with the priorities listed in the comprehensive recovery plan for the Lower Columbia ESUs.2014-06-20Documentsall-docs
2021-02-11 PNAMP FMWG Meeting NOTESNotes from FMWG Meeting February 11, 20212021-02-11Documents, FMWG Documentsall-docs fmwg-doc
Key Findings and Lessons Learned from Pacific Northwest Intensively Monitored WatershedsThis report summarizes key findings from 16 IMWs and addresses the underlying assumption that habitat restoration improves juvenile salmonid survival and eventually leads to increased adult returns.2019-12-06Documents, IMW Documentsall-docs imw-doc
Evaluation of Intensively Monitored Watershed ProjectsThis report contains an independent evaluation of the Pacific Northwest IMWs in response to eight key questions.2019-11-20Documents, IMW Documentsall-docs imw-doc
Tenmile Creek IMW 2017 Accomplishment Info SheetOverview and accomplishments of the Tenmile Creek IMW2017-04-14Documents, IMW Documentsall-docs imw-doc
Strait of Juan de Fuca IMW 2017 Accomplishment Info SheetOverview and accomplishments of the Strait of Juan de Fuca IMW2017-04-14Documents, IMW Documentsall-docs imw-doc
Skagit Estuary IMW 2017 Accomplishment Info SheetOverview and accomplishments of the Skagit Estuary IMW2017-04-14Documents, IMW Documentsall-docs imw-doc
Pudding Creek IMW 2017 Accomplishment Info SheetOverview and accomplishments of the Pudding Creek IMW2017-04-14Documents, IMW Documentsall-docs imw-doc
Middle Fork John Day River IMW 2017 Accomplishment Info SheetOverview and accomplishments of the Middle Fork John Day River IMW2017-04-14Documents, IMW Documentsall-docs imw-doc
Methow River IMW 2017 Accomplishment Info SheetOverview and accomplishments of the Methow River IMW2017-04-14Documents, IMW Documentsall-docs imw-doc
Lower Columbia IMW 2017 Accomplishment Info SheetOverview and accomplishments of the Lower Columbia IMW2017-04-14Documents, IMW Documentsall-docs imw-doc
Potlatch River IMW & Lemhi River IMW 2017 Accomplishment Info SheetsOverview and accomplishments of the Potlatch River IMW & Lemhi River IMW2017-04-14Documents, IMW Documentsall-docs imw-doc
Hood Canal IMW 2017 Accomplishment Info SheetOverview and accomplishments of the Hood Canal IMW2017-04-14Documents, IMW Documentsall-docs imw-doc
Entiat River IMW 2017 Accomplishment Info SheetOverview and accomplishments of the Entiat River IMW2017-04-14Documents, IMW Documentsall-docs imw-doc
Elwha River IMW 2017 Accomplishment Info SheetOverview and accomplishments of the Elwha River IMW2017-04-14Documents, IMW Documentsall-docs imw-doc
Bridge Creek IMW 2017 Accomplishment Info SheetOverview and accomplishments of the Bridge Creek IMW2017-04-14Documents, IMW Documentsall-docs imw-doc
Asotin Creek IMW 2017 Accomplishment Info SheetOverview and accomplishments of the Asotin Creek IMW2017-04-14Documents, IMW Documentsall-docs imw-doc
FMWG Update Terms and Definitions Used in CAP Data Standards Task DescriptionTask Description: Update Terms and Definitions Used in CAP Data Standards2024-03-19Documents, FMWG Documentsall-docs fmwg-doc
PNAMP 2016 IMW Workshop SummaryNotes from the PNAMP 2016 Intensively Monitored Watersheds Workshop2016-11-02Documents, IMW Documentsall-docs imw-doc
FMWG Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection Task DescriptionFMWG Rotary Screw Trap Data Collection Task Description2022-02-03Documents, FMWG Documentsall-docs fmwg-doc
Rotary Screw Trap Data Standard Draft ConceptRotary Screw Trap Data Collection and Data Standard DRAFT CONCEPT  2022-02-10Documents, FMWG Documentsall-docs fmwg-doc
PNAMP Fish Monitoring Work Group (FMWG) Charter (2021)Charter for the PNAMP Fish Monitoring Work Group2021-07-01Documents, FMWG Documentsall-docs fmwg-doc
PNAMP 2013 IMW Workshop SummaryNotes from the PNAMP 2013 Intensively Monitored Watersheds Workshop2013-03-21Documents, IMW Documentsall-docs imw-doc
SFS PNW 2024 Meeting and Call for AbstractsSociety for Freshwater Science PNW 2024 meeting and abstract submission information2024-08-23Documentsall-docs
PNAMP 2019 Strategy
2019 Strategy for Coordinating Monitoring of Aquatic Environments in the Pacific Northwest – result of PNAMP Strategic Planning Workshop
2019-04-30About Us, Documentsabout-us all-docs
PNAMP 2005 Annual ReportPNAMP 2005 Annual Report2006-03-15About Us, Annual Report, Documentsabout-us annual-report all-docs
PNAMP 2006 Annual ReportPNAMP 2006 Annual Report2007-03-16About Us, Annual Report, Documentsabout-us annual-report all-docs
PNAMP 2007 Annual ReportPNAMP 2007 Annual Report2008-03-15About Us, Annual Report, Documentsabout-us annual-report all-docs
PNAMP 2008 Annual ReportPNAMP 2008 Annual Report2009-03-15About Us, Annual Report, Documentsabout-us annual-report all-docs
PNAMP 2009 Annual ReportPNAMP 2009 Annual Report2010-03-15About Us, Annual Report, Documentsabout-us annual-report all-docs
PNAMP 2010 Annual ReportPNAMP 2010 Annual Report2011-03-22About Us, Annual Report, Documentsabout-us annual-report all-docs
PNAMP 2011 Annual ReportPNAMP 2011 Annual Report2012-03-15About Us, Annual Report, Documentsabout-us annual-report all-docs
PNAMP 2012 Annual ReportPNAMP 2012 Annual Report2013-01-31About Us, Annual Report, Documentsabout-us annual-report all-docs
PNAMP 2013 Annual ReportPNAMP 2013 Annual Report2014-04-11About Us, Annual Report, Documentsabout-us annual-report all-docs
PNAMP 2014 Annual ReportPNAMP 2014 Annual Report2015-03-15About Us, Annual Report, Documentsabout-us annual-report all-docs
PNAMP 2015 Annual ReportPNAMP 2015 Annual Report2016-04-15About Us, Annual Report, Documentsabout-us annual-report all-docs
PNAMP 2016 Annual ReportPNAMP 2016 Annual Report2017-03-15About Us, Annual Report, Documentsabout-us annual-report all-docs
PNAMP 2017 Annual ReportPNAMP 2017 Annual Report2018-03-15About Us, Annual Report, Documentsabout-us annual-report all-docs
PNAMP 2018 Annual ReportPNAMP 2018 Annual Report2019-07-10About Us, Annual Report, Documentsabout-us annual-report all-docs
PNAMP 2019 Annual ReportPNAMP 2019 Annual Report2020-06-02About Us, Annual Report, Documentsabout-us annual-report all-docs
PNAMP 2020 Annual ReportPNAMP 2020 Annual Report2021-05-13About Us, Annual Report, Documentsabout-us annual-report all-docs
PNAMP 2021 Annual ReportPNAMP 2021 Annual Report2022-03-14About Us, Annual Report, Documentsabout-us annual-report all-docs
HCAX Workshop 1 Presentation
Presentation for HCAX Project Workshop 1 March 11, 2021
2021-03-11Documents, HCAX Documentsall-docs hcax-doc
HCAX Workshop 1 Summary
Summary of workshop results and next steps
2021-05-03Documents, HCAX Documentsall-docs hcax-doc
HCAX Vocabulary
HCAX Controlled Vocabulary (aka terms and definitions) developed by HCAX Biologist Work Group. Version 1.0 as of 2022-01-05.
2022-01-05Documents, HCAX Documentsall-docs hcax-doc
CAP Roles and ResponsibilitiesCoordinated Assessments Partnership Work Group Roles and Responsibilities2020-05-25CAP Documents, Documentscap-doc all-docs
CAP 5 Year PlanIn June, 2019 the StreamNet Executive Committee discussed this plan as an outline for CAP going forward for the next five years. The plan was reviewed and updated by the Committee, adopted August 1, 2019 and updated September 2, 2020.2020-09-02CAP Documents, Documentscap-doc all-docs
CAP Newsletter November 2020Coordinated Assessments Partnership (CAP) Newsletter Issue 1 (Nov 2020)2020-11-30CAP Documents, Documentscap-doc all-docs
CAP Fact SheetAn introduction to Coordinated Assessments Partnership (CAP)2020-12-20CAP Documents, Documentscap-doc all-docs
CAP Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions (FAQ) for the Coordinated Assessments Partnership (CAP)
2021-01-14CAP Documents, Documentscap-doc all-docs
CAP Newsletter June 2021Coordinated Assessments Partnership (CAP) Newsletter Issue 2 (June 2021)2021-06-01CAP Documents, Documentscap-doc all-docs
Introduction to the Coordinated Assessments Partnership (CAP)
A brief overview of the Coordinated Assessments Partnership (CAP).
2021-08-17CAP Documents, Documentscap-doc all-docs
CAP Newsletter December 2021Coordinated Assessments Partnership (CAP) Newsletter Issue 3 (Dec 2021)2021-12-01CAP Documents, Documentscap-doc all-docs
CAP Newsletter Summer 2022Coordinated Assessments Partnership (CAP) Newsletter Issue 4 (July 2022)2022-07-01CAP Documents, Documentscap-doc all-docs
CAP Newsletter Winter 2023
Latest news about CAP: workshop planning, HCAX update and more
2023-03-01CAP Documents, Documentscap-doc all-docs
PNAMP Quarterly Status Report Jan-March 2021
PNAMP Quarterly Status Review January - March 2021
2021-04-01About Us, Documents, Quarterly Reportabout-us all-docs quarterly-report
PNAMP Quarterly Status Report April-June 2021
PNAMP Quarterly Status Report April - June 2021
2021-07-01About Us, Documents, Quarterly Reportabout-us all-docs quarterly-report
PNAMP Quarterly Status Report July-Sept 2021
PNAMP Quarter Status Report July - September 2021
2021-10-10About Us, Documents, Quarterly Reportabout-us all-docs quarterly-report
PNAMP Quarterly Status Report Oct-Dec 2021
PNAMP Quarterly Status Report October - December 2021
2021-01-05About Us, Documents, Quarterly Reportabout-us all-docs quarterly-report
Guidance for Implementing Successful Data Management & Sharing (2012)PNAMP publication recommending best practices for data management and sharing.2012-03-06Data Mob Documents, Documentsdata-mob-doc all-docs
Sharing FAIR monitoring program data improves discoverability and reuse (2023)This product from the Stream Habitat Metric Integration Project shares lessons learned and offers recommendations for best practices to integrate data from multiple sources.2023-08-24Data Mob Documents, Documents, SHMI Documentsdata-mob-doc all-docs shmi-doc
PNAMP Quarterly Status Report Jan-March 2022PNAMP Quarterly Status Report: January- March 20222022-04-26About Us, Documents, Quarterly Reportabout-us all-docs quarterly-report
PNAMP Quarterly Status Report April-June 2022PNAMP Quarterly Status Report: April- June 20222022-07-20About Us, Documents, Quarterly Reportabout-us all-docs quarterly-report
PNAMP Quarterly Status Report July-Sept 2022PNAMP Quarterly Status Report: July- September 20222022-10-10About Us, Documents, Quarterly Reportabout-us all-docs quarterly-report
PNAMP Quarterly Status Report Oct-Dec 2022PNAMP Quarterly Status Report: October - December 20222023-01-31About Us, Documents, Quarterly Reportabout-us all-docs quarterly-report
PNAMP Quarterly Status Report Jan-March 2023PNAMP Quarterly Status Report: January- March 20232023-04-18About Us, Documents, Quarterly Reportabout-us all-docs quarterly-report
PNAMP Quarterly Status Report April-June 2023The PNAMP Quarterly Status Report from April 2023 - June 20232023-07-17About Us, Documents, Quarterly Reportabout-us all-docs quarterly-report
PNAMP Quarterly Status Report July-September 2023PNAMP Quarterly Status Report from July - September 20232023-10-26About Us, Documents, Quarterly Reportabout-us all-docs quarterly-report
PNAMP Quarterly Status Report Jan. – Mar. 2024PNAMP Quarterly Status Report: January - March 20242024-04-17About Us, Documents, Quarterly Reportabout-us all-docs quarterly-report
PNAMP Quarterly Status Report Oct. – Dec. 2023PNAMP Quarterly Status Report: October - December 20232024-02-02About Us, Documents, Quarterly Reportabout-us all-docs quarterly-report
Habitat Metric Data Integration FactsheetFactsheet that illustrates the Stream Habitat Metric Integration project's aim to make more data accessible and easier to use2021-02-16Documents, SHMI Documentsall-docs shmi-doc
Study Plans Training Module v3.0The study plan training module provides specific guidance to users on how to document their study plans. It also provides helpful tips and guidance to make their documentation more efficient. Version 32023-02-17Documents, Monitoring Resources Documentsall-docs mr-doc
Sample Design Training Module v2.1The sample design training module provides specific guidance to users on how to document their sample designs. It also provides helpful tips and guidance to make their documentation more efficient.2020-08-02Documents, Monitoring Resources Documentsall-docs mr-doc
Protocols Training ModuleThe protocol training module provides specific guidance to users on how to document their protocols. It also provides helpful tips and guidance to make their documentation more efficient. Version 32024-01-08Documents, Monitoring Resources Documentsall-docs mr-doc
Methods Training ModuleThe method training module provides specific guidance to users on how to document their methods. It also provides helpful tips and guidance to make their documentation more efficient.2023-12-14Documents, Monitoring Resources Documentsall-docs mr-doc
HCAX Controlled Vocabulary v1.0HCAX Controlled Vocabulary (aka terms and definitions) developed by HCAX Biologist Work Group. Version 1.0 as of 2022-01-05.2022-01-05Documents, HCAX Documentsall-docs hcax-doc
PNAMP Steering Committee September 22, 2022 Meeting Notes
The meeting notes for the September 22, 2022 PNAMP Steering Committee meeting.
PNAMP Steering Committee September 21, 2022 Meeting NotesThe meeting notes for the September 21, 2022 PNAMP Steering Committee and StreamNet Executive Committee Joint Session.2022-10-07Documentsall-docs
Management Implications from Pacific Northwest Intensively Monitored WatershedsThis report compiles general results to date from 13 IMWs across the Pacific Northwest and provides an initial indication of the management implications of these studies.2022-05-31Documents, IMW Documentsall-docs imw-doc
Day 1 Joint Session PNAMP Steering Committtee and StreamNet Executive Committee
The presentation for the November 9, 2023 StreamNet Executive Committee session of the Joint Session StreamNet Executive Committee and PNAMP Steering Committee Meeting.
PNAMP Steering Committee June 2023 Meeting NotesNotes for the PNAMP Steering Committee June 2023 meeting2023-06-21Documentsall-docs
PNAMP Steering Committee February 2023 Meeting NotesNotes for the February 2023 PNAMP Steering Committee meeting2023-02-15Documentsall-docs Overview for CORsSlide deck from BPA COR Tutorial2024-08-07Documents, Monitoring Resources Documentsall-docs mr-doc
Protocol Documentation and Cloning in for DELVE Subject Matter Experts
A guidance document pertaining the documentation of protocols (the metadata associated with a DELVE Data Set) in for DELVE subject matter experts. Additionally, there's information on how to clone and version protocols.
2023-05-22Documents, Monitoring Resources Documentsall-docs mr-doc
CAP Newsletter Fall 2023Coordinated Assessments Partnership (CAP) Newsletter Issue 6 (Nov 2023)2023-11-14CAP Documents, Documentscap-doc all-docs
2023 CAP Workshop Summary
2023 CAP Workshop Summary
2023-05-18CAP Documents, Documentscap-doc all-docs
ETIS 2022 at a glanceEmerging Technologies Information Sessions (ETIS) 2022 Hybrid Event At a Glance Schedule. Last updated November 8, 20222022-11-08Documents, ETIS Documentsall-docs etis-doc
PNAMP 2023 Annual ReportPNAMP 2023 Annual Report2024-04-01About Us, Annual Report, Documentsabout-us annual-report all-docs
FY23 PNAMP Work PlanFiscal Year 2023 Work Plan2023-02-03About Us, Documentsabout-us all-docs
CAP_Newsletter_issueWinter2023Latest news about CAP: workshop planning, HCAX update and more2023-03-01CAP Documents, Documentscap-doc all-docs
BPA Workflow Navigation and GuidanceGuidance concerning the documentation of Study Plans, Protocols, and Sample Designs using the BPA Workflow in The BPA Workflow allows users to document all their metadata requirements for BPA contracts with work elements (WE) 157 and 162 in one seamless and user friendly workflow on, Monitoring Resources Documentsall-docs mr-doc
PNAMP 2022 Annual ReportPNAMP 2022 Annual Report2023-03-27About Us, Annual Report, Documentsabout-us annual-report all-docs