Year Began: 2010

For more than a decade, PNAMP has partnered with regional and national partners to resources to create a network of information and tools to support a variety of monitoring needs. provides an online, publicly accessible suite of information and tools, including maps and metadata describing existing monitoring projects; a library of standard monitoring methods, protocols, and data dictionaries; and guidelines and tools to help managers develop new monitoring programs and share existing ones. Resource managers, funding agencies, and policy makers can quickly look up existing and proposed monitoring projects so that they can better understand how well priorities are being met and assess where monitoring efforts might have gaps or redundancies. Users can see maps of sampling sites, compare protocols of different monitoring projects, and identify locations and sampling strategies for additional monitoring or to optimize existing monitoring. The tools guide and support study design and methods documentation from the earliest planning stages through implementation. Users can easily add information about their projects and programs and can share the information with partners.

NEW AND NEWLY UPDATED Training Material available in

monitoring resources home page

More Resources

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – pertinent information to help users document metadata in
  • Glossary – terms and definitions used in
  • Training Resources – training videos and guidance documents to assist users document and navigate

Project Team

The Leadership Team for this development includes the PNAMP Steering Committee as well as interested PNAMP participants. Software development is provided by ESA. Contact Sam Cimino (, Project Lead, for more information.

Upcoming Events

Past Events

  • July 07, 2024: Tutorial/Overview for BPA CORs
  • August 22, 2023: Training for New and Returning Users
  • January 06, 2022: Orientation for Users
  • December 01, 2021: Orientation for Users

Related Documents

FileDescriptionFile Date
Monitoring Resources Fact Fact Sheet — Supporting Coordinated and Cost-Effective Natural Resource Monitoring Across Organizations2018-05-01
Validating Data Collection Events TutorialA guidance document on how to validate data collection events in MonitoringResources.org2024-09-09
Study Plans Training Module v3.0The study plan training module provides specific guidance to users on how to document their study plans. It also provides helpful tips and guidance to make their documentation more efficient. Version 32023-02-17
Sample Design Training Module v2.1The sample design training module provides specific guidance to users on how to document their sample designs. It also provides helpful tips and guidance to make their documentation more efficient.2020-08-02
Protocols Training ModuleThe protocol training module provides specific guidance to users on how to document their protocols. It also provides helpful tips and guidance to make their documentation more efficient. Version 32024-01-08
Methods Training ModuleThe method training module provides specific guidance to users on how to document their methods. It also provides helpful tips and guidance to make their documentation more efficient.2023-12-14 Overview for CORsSlide deck from BPA COR Tutorial2024-08-07
Protocol Documentation and Cloning in for DELVE Subject Matter Experts
A guidance document pertaining the documentation of protocols (the metadata associated with a DELVE Data Set) in for DELVE subject matter experts. Additionally, there's information on how to clone and version protocols.
BPA Workflow Navigation and GuidanceGuidance concerning the documentation of Study Plans, Protocols, and Sample Designs using the BPA Workflow in The BPA Workflow allows users to document all their metadata requirements for BPA contracts with work elements (WE) 157 and 162 in one seamless and user friendly workflow on