Year Began: 2020

With the support of an EPA Exchange Network grant and BPA funding, PNAMP facilitated a collaborative process for the Coordinated Assessments Partnership (CAP) to identify and share key salmon and steelhead hatchery indicators (HLIs). Our goals were to:

  • advance sharing of standardized metrics and HLIs for hatchery salmon and steelhead in a well-defined, transparent manner across the Pacific Northwest (PNW)
  • improve consistency in the information communicated with the public, and that used for environmental reporting required by and for regional decision-making in multiple forums
  • support and contribute to reporting on salmon and steelhead for states, tribes, tribal consortia, federal agencies and other partners

As of August 2024, the HCAX Data Exchange Standard (DES) has been tested and data are flowing! You can get the DES and Access database in a single zip file at If you have any questions about the DES, please reach out to Mike Banach (

This project inspired updates to the CAP data use agreement (see it here). Next steps include sharing the new HCAX query system, which is under development by StreamNet staff. Stay tuned for an invitation to review the query tools this fall.

For more information, contact one of the HCAX Partner Representatives: Nancy Leonard (nleonard@psmfc; PSMFC/StreamNet), Jen Bayer (; USGS/PNAMP); Brodie Cox (; WDFW); John Arterburn (; Colville Tribes); Greer Maier (; WA GSRO).

Hatchery salmon being processed - Photo credit: CRITFC

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