

The Data Citation and Attribution Working Group’s objective is to recommend best practices to support data attribution and citation through the use of standardized metadata properties. The goal is to improve data Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, Reusability (FAIR data principles: https://www.force11.org/group/fairgroup/fairprinciples) and promote collaboration for use of natural resources monitoring data. The intial objective was to support better data attribution and creditation for the Coordinated Assessments for Salmon and Steelhead database (CA) managed by StreamNet, and for NOAA Fisheries Salmon Population Summary database. Additional objectives were to develop general best practices recommendations for data repositories across the region; including concepts such as “non-invasive” data management practices. We have a data exchange for Salmonid populations that is functioning. We want to improve our documentation of the data with metadata for future re-use of the data, provenance, credit for those who acquired the data, and to improve confidence and trust in existing data. This work supports publishing of data with standardized citations. PNAMP is coordinating and facilitating the process among many entities, including tribes and tribal coalitions, state agencies, and other governmental and non-governmental partnership organizations.

For more information about this past project or specific events related to this project, please contact us at gs-pnamp_contact@usgs.gov.

Project Team

Mike Banach, Katie Barnas, Jen Bayer, Kasey Bliesner, Bill Bosch, Nadine Craft, Monica Diaz, Scott L Donahue, Jay Hesse, Susannah Iltis, Cassandra Ladino, Raymond Obuch, Sheryn Olson, Lenora Oftedahl, Tom Pansky, Ryan Santo, Russell Scranton, Samantha Smith, Chris Wheaton, Mari Williams. Contact Jen Bayer at jbayer@usgs.gov to learn more.