The High Level Indicators (HLI) Program aimed to establish a core set of high-level indicators on salmon and ecosystem health used across the Pacific Northwest, with the understanding that this would inform the long-term goal of achieving a core set of indicators that could be used to communicate salmon status and ecosystem health to Congress, legislatures, governors, and the public. The Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP) was invited to provide information in support of this task, including: (1) high level indicators currently in use in the PNW; (2) who is using the indicator; and to the extent possible, (3) metrics being used to support the indicator.
For more information about this past project or specific events related to this project, please contact us at gs-pnamp_contact@usgs.gov.
Project Team/Leads
Steve Leider, Bruce Crawford, Jim Geiselman, Greg Sieglitz, Nancy Leonard, Steve Lanigan, Steve Waste, Scott Rumsey, Ken Dzinbal, Ken MacDonald, Jen Bayer