Year Began: 2021
TASK NAME: Data Display
Page last edited: 10/11/2022
May 27, 2021 Meeting Summary
June 23, 2021 Meeting Summary
Data Display Recommendations
Tom Iverson (StreamNet consultant):
Nancy Leonard (PSMFC):
Greg Wilke (PSMFC):
Megan Dethloff (USGS/PNAMP):
This task provided draft recommendations to StreamNet Executive Committee on how to improve Fish HLI information conveyed on its Map Query ( and on the development Tabular Query for salmon and steelhead populations, superpopulations, (multiple populations) and subset of populations (partial populations).
This serves to improve understanding by data consumers of the available data included in the Fish HLI.
The Coordinated Assessments Partnership (CAP) is a collaborative process to efficiently share fish information within the Pacific Northwest by providing access to standardized derived information needed for reporting and decision-making by natural resource managers and regulators. The information shared through the CAP represents the partners’ best available science and, when appropriate, these entities’ (federal/tribal/state agencies or others) endorsed official records such as those used in regulatory fish assessments for the Endangered Species Act (ESA) or other reporting requirements. The CAP is co-sponsored by the Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP) and Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) StreamNet Program (StreamNet), with participation by federal, tribal, state and tribal consortia fish biologists and data stewards who ensure data quality and flow.
There are two specific aspects of information displayed on the Fish HLI (CAX) mapper that require further input to improve understanding of the availability of data of population displayed, and properly communicate the HLIs associated with a portion of a populations (sub-population) or multiple populations (superpopulation)
- Provided the draft recommendations of the task group recommendations to be reviewed by PSMFC StreamNet staff
- Finalized the recommendations and sent to StreamNet for consideration by the StreamNet Executive Committee during their 2021 meeting.
RECOMMENDATIONS: for improving data consumers’ understanding of data availability and access in the CAP Fish HLI Map Query Tool considered by StreamNet Steering Committee and Executive Committee
For details, use the meeting materials (found here) from:
StreamNet Executive Committee for September 9, 2021 meeting
StreamNet Executive Committee for September 21, 2022 meeting