Year Began: 2021

TASK NAME: Fish Management Units Boundaries and Attributes Task
(formerly: Fish Population Names and GIS Boundaries Task)

April 27, 2022 Meeting Recording
June 5, 2022 Meeting Recording

Fish Management Units Boundaries and Attributes Task Recommendations

TASK STATUS: Completed

Page last edited: 07/25/2023


Evan Brown (IDFG):

Van Hare (PSMFC):

Megan Dethloff (USGS/PNAMP):


Define fish management units (e.g. population, core area, migratory corridor) names and boundaries for more effective analyses and communication of data via the StreamNet tools and GIS layers. 

This includes the focal fish species informing the NPCC Addendum goals, objectives and indicators (e.g., bull trout, white sturgeon, cutthroat trout, redband trout, kokanee) Note, this task supports ideas identified during 2019 Smolt Analytics workshop (create Standard GIS layers and fields).


  • Fish Unit Boundaries and Names (Bull trout)
  • Documented workflow that can be used for all fish taxa
  • Building blocks useful for creating more explicitly defined fish population units over time
  • Web map services that support StreamNet, NPCC, BPA and other State, Federal, and Tribal data display needs


  • Supports StreamNet data query and access tools


Fish Management Units Boundaries and Attributes task has produced a recommendations document based on feedback received from this community as well as other regional experts. The product was shared with StreamNet to provide recommendations on how StreamNet defines fish management units (e.g., population, core area, migratory corridor), names, and boundaries for more effective, standardized analyses, and communication/display of data via the StreamNet data tools and GIS layers. These recommendations were developed using bull trout as an example. However, it is intended to be applicable to other focal fish species/subspecies for which data may be compiled and presented by the StreamNet Program and the Coordinated Assessments Partnership.

Learn more about the PNAMP Fish Monitoring Work Group