Year Began: 2021

TASK NAME: Juvenile Density (Snorkel and Electrofishing)


Page last edited: 02/21/2024

Juvenile Density (Snorkel and Electrofishing) Task Summary
FMWG Juvenile Density Data Entry Recommendations Spreadsheet


Kasey Bliesner (ODFW):

Russell Scranton (BPA):

Megan Dethloff (USGS/PNAMP): 


This effort will work to create a data crosswalk between existing fish density data collection efforts and use existing data standards (e.g. from CAP DES) to propose a standard vocabulary, documentation, and a DES for fish distribution/density data. Population names and data provider standards will be referenced from CAP DES. Biologists on the Task Team will work towards agreement on standards and propose and evaluate a common data portal for shared storage and access. Potential proposed data portals include synching with StreamNet’s Related Database, the StreamNet DataStore or another unstructured data repository.


A recent exchange effort to regionally share juvenile density data from snorkel and electrofishing surveys showed that the lack of standard language, data structures and metadata made data difficult to use. Currently juvenile density data is shared openly, in corporate systems or various unstructured spreadsheets across organizations or in servers. For example, variability in methods and dataset structure caused difficulty in creating a common database for use in ISEMP’s Fish Data Analysis Tool (FDAT) ( Most of the observation data ended up being unusable because observer efficiency or correction estimates and methods and location information were not properly documented. An existing Fish Monitoring Work Group task team for Carrying Capacity has identified the need for standard exchange formats of juvenile density survey data as an important input for carrying capacity and life-cycle model development and validation. In addition, restoration practitioners have found juvenile density data to be important in identifying restoration priorities to protect strongholds or improve connectivity and access and these prioritization efforts would benefit from standard data structures, metadata, documentation and repositories to access, download and view juvenile density data.


  • Data standard for Juvenile Distribution and Density Data, including standard vocabulary and metadata
  • Document on limitation and proper use of juvenile density and distribution data
  • Recommendations for integration into a current data management system 
  • If the proposed data management system is StreamNet, then recommendations will be proposed to the StreamNet ExCom


  • Improving understanding and proper use of juvenile density data across regional partners and platforms
  • Sharing juvenile density data for use in carrying capacity and  in Life cycle Models
  • Sharing juvenile density data for use in habitat restoration planning, such as “Atlas” processes 
  • Informing NOAA salmonid ESA Status review “Species distribution” criteria

PRODUCTS: Data collection recommendation spreadsheet, StreamNet Rotary Screw Trap Dashboard

Learn more about the PNAMP Fish Monitoring Work Group