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PNAMP Fish Monitoring Work Group Meeting (January 2023)

January 19, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am

The PNAMP Fish Monitoring Work Group (FMWG), meets quarterly to update participants on current FMWG tasks, share expertise through presentations on innovative fish monitoring, and provides you with opportunities to engage regional managers and experts. These meetings are an opportune time to discuss tasks and get input from members on where they see importance or could use facilitated support. The FMWG is also interested in your work; if you would like to present your innovative fish monitoring ideas or any recent publications at a future meeting please contact Meg Dethloff, mdethloff@usgs.gov


PIThy: PTAGIS for the Unwashed Masses

Brian Maschhoff with Salmonetics presented on the PIThy (PIT-tag Hypertool) is a web-based utility for processing and analysis of PIT-tag data from PTAGIS and (eventually) other sources. PTAGIS query export files are readily loaded and automatically processed, removing extraneous information and adding derived and correlated attributes (such as temperature data etc. where available), and the processed data is presented to the user as interactive filter charts, maps, and fishtrack charts. The fully attributed data (or a subset) can then be exported for further analysis or archiving, with metadata (such as PTAGIS and internal queries used) included. The design goals of PIThy include a) useability – requiring no installation and no programming, b) reusability – facilitating PTAGIS data reuse and reproducibility within the broader community, and c) facilitating the exploration and interpretation of complex and heterogeneous query result sets. PIThy development is at an early stage, and many concepts in data attribution and archiving are not set in concrete but are rather put forward as starting points for further discussion.


  • 10:00 – Welcome and Introductions
  • 10:05 – Task Updates
  • 10:20 – Tech Talk
  • 11:10 – Q&A
  • 11:30 – Adjourn

Missed a previous FMWG meeting? Check out our YouTube page for presentations or task meetings.


January 19, 2023
10:00 am - 11:30 am
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